The Borough is home to around 2,500 businesses. The vast majority are SMEs located in two principal areas within the Borough.

In Oadby, the focus of businesses is Kenilworth Drive, off the B582 and close to the Racecourse. There are over 100 businesses located here covering everything from clubs and societies to engineering and food production. There are few opportunities to expand but there may be scope to redevelop as sites become available.

A further employment area is located on the border of Wigston and South Wigston, taking in Chartwell Drive and Viking Road to the east, Cornwall Road and Radnor Road to the west and Magna Road to the south. Chartwell Drive is home to large national chains such as Travis Perkins and Howdens. Again, there are over 100 businesses located around this area.

There is also a £16.8m redevelopment to take place to provide 15 industrial/warehousing units at Genesis Park, Wigston, which will create around 100 new jobs.

Two smaller employment areas are located on the very western edge of the Borough at Wilson Road, with a small area to the north of Wigston town centre north off Wakes Road.

All of these sites, like those in Oadby, are constrained with limited scope to expand. There are only a small number of allocated employment sites within the Borough.

Major employers in the Borough include the University of Leicester, South Leicestershire College, United Biscuits and Cromwell Tools. The wider Leicester Region has a wealth of national and international companies including Next, Walkers, Triumph, Caterpillar, Santander, Wal-Mart, DHL and 3M.

If you are looking for premises in the Borough please contact and the team can help you find out what is available.