A new Vision for our borough in 2022

A new Vision for our borough in 2022

Posted: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 12:28

A new Vision for our borough in 2022

The past few years have brought a huge amount of change to all of our lives and in many cases led to changes to the way we live, work and spend our leisure time.

To ensure Oadby & Wigston Borough Council is also adapting to this period of change, our Councillors have reviewed and now approved our new Vision.

Driven by that new Vision we're also now developing a new Corporate Plan which sets out what we plan to achieve in the coming years.

What is a Vision and why is it so important?

A Council's vision is designed to strengthen the connection between the council and local people, providing a shared ambition that we can all strive towards.

The Vision should work for everyone – residents, businesses, community groups, young people, tenants and more.

It helps inform all the council's major policies, decisions and plans for the years ahead – but we hope also informs the decisions being made my individuals, business, organisations and groups in the borough too. That's is why community involvement in developing a Vision has been so important.

When was the Vision agreed and what process did it go through?

The first draft of the Vision was created by elected councillors that represent all of the wards in Oadby & Wigston after attending workshops with local government representatives and officers of the Council.

This started us on the journey of developing the overarching tagline for the Vision 'Our Borough, The Place To Be', the objectives and the purpose.

Once that first draft had been completed, this went out to consultation with local people with details added to our website, shared on social media and communicated to our email subscribers.

Your comments then helped us to edit, amend and tune the final Vision, which was approved in September.

What happens now?

The Vision was formally adopted at our Full Council meeting on 27 September, 2022 and will now be the driving force behind our aims and ambitions. The first major milestone in embedding this Vision will be in creating a new Corporate Plan, something we are currently working on.

As with the new Vision, the new Corporate Plan will require community input – and we will be consulting in due course to get your views.

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Tags: Consultations, policy