Have your say on our 2023/24 budget!

Have your say on our 2023/24 budget!

Posted: Thu, 15 Dec 2022 16:52

Have your say on our 2023/24 budget!

We want to hear from you!

Every year the Council must set a balanced budget. We do this by assessing what changes we need to make to last year's budget, based on our plans for the future and expected changes to our income or expenditure, and presenting a new budget for local Councillors to approve in 2023.

Before this, we are inviting residents, tenants, businesses and organisations to comment on our draft budgets. The results will be fed back to the elected Councillors who are responsible for setting the budget, for them to consider before the budget is approved.

The consultation will close on Friday 27 January 2023.

You can learn more and have your say here

Tags: Consultations